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Scris de Ninel Ganea |
Marţi, 14 August 2012 23:29 |
Ziarul foarte respectabil “Der Spiegel” a publicat o lista cu politicienii care au agravat criza economica europeana. Nu o sa gasiti acolo numele vreunui comisar european, ale lui Jean Claude Trichet, Angela Merkel, Nicolas Sarkozy sau ale arhitectilor monedei “euro”. Nici pomeneala. In schimb, veti da peste Nigel Farage, Alexander Dobrind, Heinz-Christian Strache si altii asemenea. Daca nu ati auzit de ei, nu e cazul sa va nelinistiti. Niciunul nu a ocupat vreo functie de conducere relevanta. (Ca sa fim cinstiti, apare si numele lui Silvio Berlusconi, insa el reprezinta exceptia din grupul politicienilor anonimi.) In termeni edulcorati, numitorul comun al grupului de politicieni incriminat il reprezinta, cred, euroscepticismul. Dar motivatiile si scopurile lor sunt din cele mai diverse. De pilda, Alexis Tsipras, liderul partidului elen de stanga Syriza, vrea independenta Grecei fata de Comisia Europeana, FMI si BCE. Pentru Marine Le Pen, Franta si-a pierdut suveranitatea nationala, “in timp ce doamna Merkel si prietenii sai, Van Rompuy si Comisia European, sunt in ultimele pregatiri pentru a crea o Uniune a Sovietelor Europene”. Cat il priveste pe Nigel Farage, exista o delectabila lista de clipuri pe youtube, unde puteti vedea in desfasurare o dezlantuita retorica libertariana contra Leviathanului bruxellez. Cotidianul german ii numeste “periculosi” si ai putea fi tentat sa crezi ca propun tot felul de bazaconii eugeniste, purificari etnice sau cine stie ce alte grozavii. “Se joaca cu focul ce ar putea ameninta intreg proiectul european”. Totusi, singura propunere, relativ comuna, o reprezinta intoarcerea la monedele nationale de dinainte de euro, iar ceea ce intuieste corect Der Spiegel este ca fara centralizarea banilor proiectul globalist se va prabusi in secunda urmatoare. Articolul da seama nu neaparat de incompetenta, cat mai mult de o stare de anxietate care a cuprins establishmentul. Pe vremea comunistilor, foametea, lispurile si neajunsurile de tot felul erau explicate prin existenta sabotorilor economiei nationale sau a chiaburilor (in primii ani de constructie a socialismului). “Chiaburimea este dusmana regimului de democratie populara, dusmana a clasei muncitoare si a taranimii muncitoare”, scria Scanteia in anul 1949. „Chiaburii prostesc pe săracii şi mijlocaşii prea încrezători spunându-le că numai «prin munca şi hărnicia lor» au reuşit să-şi agonisească averea”. “One must act 'as if' in Europe: as if one wanted only very few things, in order to obtain a great deal. As if nations were to remain sovereign, in order to convince them to surrender their sovereignty. The Commission in Brussels, for example, must act as if it were a technical organism, in order to operate like a government ... and so on, camouflaging and toning down. The sovereignty lost at national level does not pass to any new subject. It is entrusted to a faceless entity: NATO, the UN and eventually the EU. The Union is the vanguard of this changing world: it indicates a future of Princes without sovereignty. The new entity is faceless and those who are in command can neither be pinned down nor elected ... That is the way Europe was made too: by creating communitarian organisms without giving the organisms presided over by national governments the impression that they were being subjected to a higher power. That is how the Court of Justice as a supra-national organ was born. It was a sort of unseen atom bomb, which Schuman and Monnet slipped into the negotiations on the Coal and Steel Community. That was what the 'CSC' itself was: a random mixture of national egotisms which became communitarian. I don't think it is a good idea to replace this slow and effective method - which keeps national States free from anxiety while they are being stripped of power - with great institutional leaps - Therefore I prefer to go slowly, to crumble pieces of sovereignty up litle by little, avoiding brusque transitions from national to federal power. That is the way I think we will have to build Europe's common policies..." (Giuliano Amato, fost premier al Italiei) |