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A supraveghea. A pedepsi |
Polemici |
Scris de Ninel Ganea |
Luni, 05 Decembrie 2011 09:30 |
Cine avea indoieli cu privire la semnificatia luptei impotriva terorismului poate consulta ultimele afirmatii ale fondatorului Wikileaks, Julian Assange. El spune, pe scurt, ca “11 septembrie 2001 a dat SUA si tarilor Europei licenta de a crea sisteme de spionaj, care ne privesc pe toti”. Sub pretextul combaterii terorismului, statele au achizitionat, creat si dezvoltat tehnici de supraveghere din ce in ce mai performante, prin care pot controla in detaliu vietile oamenilor. Un exemplu il constituie cipurile, implantate detinutilor din Suedia, astronautilor americani sau printului William al Marii Britanii, fireste pentru motive diferite.“The National Security Agency's electronic surveillance system can simultaneously follow and handle millions of people. Each of us has a unique bioelectrical resonance frequency in the brain, just as we have unique fingerprints. With electromagnetic frequency (EMF) brain stimulation fully coded, pulsating electromagnetic signals can be sent to the brain, causing the desired voice and visual effects to be experienced by the target. This is a form of electronic warfare”. (Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde) Problema supravegherii sociale totale nu este noua, dar pana acum tehnologia nu permitea performante foarte avansate. Totusi, incepand cu anii ’70, au aparut deja informaticieni care au sustinut ca modelul totalitar imaginat de George Orwell in “1984” devine pe zi ce trece mai plauzibil. Sociologul britanic David Lyon arata de ce e utila comparatia cu distopia orwelliana si de ce lipsuri sufera aceasta ilustrare: “No single metaphor or model is adequate to the task of summing up what is central to contemporary surveillance, but important clues are available in Nineteen Eighty-Four and in Bentham's Panopticon. Orwell's nightmare, though technologically rather dated now, correctly spotlights the role of information and technique in orchestrating social control. Its focus on human dignity and on the social divisions of surveillance also remain instructive. But the shift from violent to nonviolent methods has come a long way since Orwell, and is given much greater scope by the advent of information technology for surveillance. Moreover, Orwell's dystopic vision was dominated by the central state. He never guessed just how significant a decentralized consumerism might become for social control” In fine, cert este ca big brotherul mondial capata pe zi ce trece tot mai multa consistenta cu un politist global, institutii financiare globale si, bineinteles, o religie globala, toate sustinute printr-o supraveghere totala.