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Father Michael Azkoul: The greatest pitfall for an orthodox is ecumenist relativism which includes political corectness | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Interviuri |
Scris de Ninel Ganea |
Miercuri, 05 Aprilie 2017 15:07 |
Father Michael Azkoul, born of Lebanese descent, is a Greek Orthodox priest and theologian, writer of more than ten book and many other theological essays. A former student of Father Georges Florovsky and Father John Romanides, Father Michael Azkoul has earned four degrees: philosophy, theology, ancient history and Byzantine and Medieval history (PHd). His book about Augustin will be published in Romanian by Anacronic. What were the major influences (persons and books) on your intellectual and spiritual development? The person who has had the most influence of my life is Fr John Romanides. My spiritual life I owe to St Gregory the Theologian and the Latin and Greek Fathers. You were a student of Father Georges Florovsky. You also wrote about him in one of your books. How would you characterize his achievements in the 20th century? To Fr Georges I am thankful for my knowledge or Russian philosophy. In terms of influence and approach to theology, how would you compare Father Florovsky, with a figure like Metropolitan Anthony Khrapovitsky, for example? Archbishop Anthony is my teacher of Orthodox ecclesiology. Fr Georges showed me the dangers of Augustiniansim. What are your thoughts on the future of traditional Orthodoxy in academia? They are antithetical. What are the chances for a new Orthodox autocracy (monarchy)? None. Are there any differences between Russian and Greek Orthodoxy? I cannot think of any if they remain faithful to Orthodoxy. What is your opinion about The Orthodox Synod in Crete? If there is something wrong with the Synod what are the options for those who realized it?
You wrote in one of your essays: “There is no secular society in which Christ, as a cultural fact, is recognized as God. Moreover, if the state must resemble Christ and the state is secular; then, Christ must be viewed as totally human.” How should an Orthodox relate to the modern democracies and modern states? In the same way that the early Church related to the barbarians. There is exactly a century since the fall of the last Orthodox monarchy. How would you characterize this period? As St Cyril of Jerusalem said, the end of the Christian Roman Empire (hence, the Orthodox Tsardom) will bring anarchy and apostasy. Can you summarize the biggest problem(s) in Augustine for those who have not read your book? Not my book, but its ideas are important. Augustinianism brings the curse of rationalism. “The anti-Augustine movement is a step towards schism and further disorders in the Orthodox Church. (…) I myself fear the cold hearts of the "intellectually correct" much more than any errors you might find in Augustine. I sense in these cold hearts a preparation for the work of Antichrist (whose imitation of Christ must also extend to "correct theology"!); I feel in Augustine the love of Christ.”, wrote Father Seraphim Rose in a famous letter. Would you like to comment? Why has the name of Augustine not appeared Orthodox hagiographies until the present ecumenist era? Can you recommend some books for our Orthodox readers? By Fr John Romanides. What are some dogmatic and canonical pitfalls for an Orthodox today? Ecumenist relativism which includes its political correctness (or cultural Marxism) Thank you very much for this interview, Father! |